Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Theories of FDI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theories of FDI - Essay Example According to US, FDI is the "ownership or control of 10 percent or more of an enterprise's voting securities, or the equivalent interest in an unincorporated business" (Pustay & Griffin, 2006) Foreign Direct Investment can either be inwards or outwards. In the inwards flow, is where the foreigners take control of the host country's assets (Razin & Sadka, 2001). Governments of third world countries usually encourage such investment since it is beneficial for the country as higher currencies come in the host country. They usually give tax holidays, subsidies, low interest loans, grants, lifting of certain restrictions etc. to foreign investors to encourage them further. In the outwards flows, the residents of the host country take control of the foreign assets. This can happen through either purchasing available resources in the foreign country or by making investments in new buildings, lands and equipment in a foreign country or by leading a joint venture with a local partner in a for eign country (Razin, 2002).3. Why to opt for going abroad - An investment abroad can be to gain profits found due to lower costs, capitalize on the market opportunity or get the knowledge of host countries operations to reduce costs and increase efficiency.John Dunning, professor at the University of Reading (UK) and Rutgers University (US) provided the Eclectic theory of FDI which is also known as OLI paradigm. This paradigm is a combination of three concepts which helps to answer some of the questions asked in the preceding section. 1. Ownership Advantages The ownership advantage addresses the "WHY" question of reason for going abroad. A firm trying to go abroad either sees a market opportunity where it can gain profits or it sees a chance for it establish itself and survive in the long run. It gives firm specific advantages in either a costs cuts or higher revenues. China has emerged as a very lucrative place for investment due to lower manufacturing costs. Many of the industry giants including Sony, Honda, Apple etc. have started to manufacture their products in China after staring in Japan. Although the foreign firm (or individual) would be outsider with limited knowledge about the internal systems of the host country, the benefits resulting from the FDI will be far greater than the costs incurred to gain local market knowledge and to communicate and operate at a long distance. (Enderwick, 2005) (Dunning, 1993) (Dunning, Kogut & Blomstrom, 1990
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Personality and sociocultural development during early childhood
Personality and sociocultural development during early childhood This chapter looks at the major perspectives that form the basis for personality and sociocultural development during early childhood. Topics covered include coping patterns, aggression, prosocial behavior, the effects of peer interactions, and continuing development of self. Children learn to manage a wide range of feelings and emotions. The important to emotional development is the childs ability to cope with fear and anxiety. Fear is a response to a specific situation and anxiety is a generalized emotional state. A child may experience regular and continuous feelings of unease, often without knowing why. Children can be help cope with fear and anxiety by parents reducing unnecessary stress, being a role model, seeking professional help. Children can also cope with fear and anxiety using defense mechanism such as identification, projection, denial, reaction formation, displacement, regression, rationalization, repression, and withdrawal. Children are expected to inhibit the display of some emotions such as anger, distress, affection, joy, sensuality and sexual curiosity. Children experience developmental conflicts their needs to depend on their parents and their desire of independence dealing with compliance, mastery and competence which Erikson identified as autonomy verse shame and initiative verse guilt. According to Erikson, children either become more independent and autonomous if their parents encourage exploration and freedom or they experience shame and self-doubt if they are restricted and overprotected. In addition, children view of themselves undergoes major change as they face conflicts between the desire to act independently of their parents and the guilt that comes from the unintended consequences of their actions. Parents who react positively can help their children avoid experiencing guilt. As children develop, their play becomes more social and engage in social pretend play involving the use of imagination, sharing of fantasies, and the inclusion of agreed upon rules. This help children deal with fears, provide companionship during periods of loneliness, and provide reassurance. Research indicates that 65% of young children have imaginary companions. Imaginary companions help children social skills and practice conversations. Children who are adept at imagination may be better at mastering symbolic representation in the real world. Children who are rejected by their peers in early childhood are likely to be rejected in middle childhood as well. They are also more likely to have adjusting problems in adolescence and adulthood. Rejected children may be aggressive or withdrawn and may be out of sync with their peers activities and social interaction. Children learn to incorporate the values and morals of their society into their understanding of themselves through internalization. Children develop a self-concept, their identity, or their set of beliefs. Young children tend to describe themselves in terms of their physical characteristics, possessions, or activities. The tendency to describe themselves in terms of social connections increases. Children tend to imitate their parents. Children self esteem enhance by parent praising their children, encouraging and giving them responsibilities, allowing them to explore their potential freely, and showing them unconditional love. The sense of being a male or female is well established by the time children reach the preschool years. Children learn gender-related behavior and expectations from their observation of others behavior as well as from books, media, and TV. Parents play an especially important role in the development of young children, particularly with respect to how parents e xert control and express warmth. Authoritarian parents tend to produce children who are withdrawn, fearful, dependent, moody, unassertive and irritable. Permissive parents tend to produce children who are rebellious, aggressive, self-indulgent, socially inept, creative and outgoing. Authoritative parents tend to produce children who are self-reliant, self-controlled, socially competent with high self-esteem and do better in school. Indifferent parents tend to produce children who are free to give in to the most destructive impulses. How parents manage discipline is an important aspect of the effect that parents have on their childrens development. The aim of discipline is not only to control children behavior but also to help them develop emotional self control. CHAPTER 8 Middle childhood is the span of years from age 6 to 12. At age 9, growth spurt for girls and 11 year olds for boys. Growth is influenced by activity level, exercise, nutrition, gender, and genetic factors. Gross motor skills such as running, jumping, and hopping and fine motor skills continue to develop and improve. Children begin to develop interest in sports. During middle childhood, children in developed world receive good nutrition so most height and weight differences among children are due to genetically determined factors. Children in developing world grow smaller than their counter parts in affluent advance world. Obesity is defined as body weight that is more than 20% above the average for a person of a given height and weight. In United States, about 17% of children are obese. Most of children who are obese continue to be seriously overweight as adults. Obesity leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, and other medical problems. The cause of obesity can be a genetic factor, environmental factors, television viewing, lack of exercise and parental encouragement. The leading cause of death in middle childhood is accidents and associated injuries. Psychological disorders and mental illness can begin in middle childhood, raising concerns about accurate diagnosis and treatment such as autism and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Piaget referred to middle childhood as a period of concrete operations and encourages the use of concrete objects for teaching such as blocks, rods and seeds. Piaget stress that teaching should be through showing rather than telling because children learn by doing and they are active learners who construct their own theories about how the world operates. During middle childhood, short-term memory capacity improves significantly and understandings about the processes that underlie memory emerge and improve during middle childhood. Childrens memory strategies and techniques enhance with age and develop the process of monitoring their own thinking. When children attend school, school teach facts or concepts, give directions for a particular lesson, state general rules of behavior, correct, disci pline and praise children and introduce children in other miscellaneous activities. Children learn more in classes in which time on task is maximized, in which the teacher spends at least half the time on actual teaching and less on such concerns as maintaining order. The main emphasis on school are teaching learning and thinking skills, tailoring instruction to the childs individual learning style and developmental level, and fostering independent, self-regulated, self paced learning, learning in small groups and cooperative rather than competitive learning. School success is influenced by many factors including achievement motivation which is an acquired culturally based drive, gender, and parents of successful children who have realistic beliefs about their children, have high expectations, are authoritative parents and talk to, listen to, and read to their children. Developmental and intellectual disabilities such as mental Retardation, depression, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities children and other special needs children all have afforded educational opportunities in least restrictive environment. CHAPTER 9 During middle childhood, according to Erikson, the central task focuses on industry versus inferiority. Children at this stage are characterized by a focus on efforts to attain competence in meeting the challenges related to parents, peers, school and other complexities of the modern world. Children self concept and self esteem continue to develop. The development of self esteem is a reciprocal process. Parents can positively influence their childrens self esteem by offering realistic praise and by encouraging them toward activities in which they can be successful. Children use social comparison to themselves to abilities, expertise, and opinions of others. When objective measures are absent children rely on social reality such as how others act, think, feel, and view the world. In middle childhood, most friends are of the same gender, and friendships during middle childhood serve many functions. Peer relationships provide emotional support and help kids to handle stress, teach child ren how to manage and control their emotions, teach about communication with others, foster intellectual growth and allow children to practice relationship skills. According to Selman, friendships develop through four stages: as playmates, then awareness of anothers feelings emerges, then trust develops and finally children can look at relationship from anothers perspective. Prejudice is a negative attitude formed without adequate reason which is directed at a defined group of people. As children grow older, they become capable of thinking with greater complexity and prejudice can be reduce by enhancing through cooperative activities that are important to children and promoting equality and disconfirm negative stereotypes. Popular children are helpful and cooperative, have a good sense of humor and emotional understanding, ask for help when necessary, not overly reliant on others, adaptive to social situations, and social problem solving skill competence. Unpopular children lack social competence, are immature, are overly aggressive and overbearing, withdrawn or shy, and are unattractive, handicapped, obese, or slow academically. Several progra ms teach children set of social skills that underlie general social competence. Although peers become very important in to children in middle childhood, the family continues to be children most important socializing force. Effective parenting in middle childhood can involve in increasing childrens social competence through encouraging social interaction, teaching listening skills to children, making children aware that people display emotions and moods nonverbally, teaching conversational skills, including the importance of asking questions and self-disclosure and not asking children to choose teams or groups publicly. In addition to other changes, children experience in early relationships between siblings can shape how children relate to others and choices made in later life. Also, in most cases, children fare quite well when parents are loving, are sensitive to their childrens needs, provide appropriate substitute care, and are good adjustment of their children. When parent divorce, children are most likely to exhibit behavioral difficulties, anxiety, depression, and low self esteem and they often have more problems with school. School-age children tend to blame themselves for the breakup. Twice as many children of divorced parents require psychological counseling as do children from intact families. For some children, living in a home with unhappy marriage and which is high in conflict has stronger negative consequences than divorce. Blended families include remarried couple that has at least one stepchild living with them. Living in blended family involves role ambiguity, in which roles and ex pectations are unclear. CHAPTER 10 Adolescence is a remarkable time of growth and development; in just a few years, children transition dramatically towards adulthood across multiple domains. Adolescence is physically the healthiest period of the lifespan. There is a dramatic body parts grow at different rates due to higher levels of testosterone boys experience greater increases in muscle growth; girls experience an increase in body fat. Body shape differentiates as boys develop wider shoulders and girls develop wider hips. These biological, as well as cultural, factors can cause depression and anxiety in females at this age; an emphasis on exercise may help to keep females active and combat negative self-images. Primary sex characteristics include sex organs in males and females grow significantly to allow room for sperm and egg production. Secondary Sex Characteristic for both male and female includes growth of pubic hair, underarm hair, facial hair, and arm and leg hair. Skin becomes rougher and oilier, bones beco me harder, the voice becomes lower, and the chin, nose, and ears become more pronounced. Hormones have a powerful effect on the brain, influencing its development. However, the emotionally often seen in teenagers results not only because a hormone action but also because of complex sociocultural and environmental factors. Adolescents have the ability to begin moving from childhood toward adulthood due to their cognitive development. This is the ability of the brain to begin processing more abstract thoughts. Some of these thoughts, indeed many of these thoughts, are focused on themselves. By being able to think abstractly, which is a new developmental ability. Now, as adolescents, the journey toward self-reflection and self-identity, may begin. By asking clear self-identity questions, they may find answers that will be enlightening, even insightful and complex. They will strive to learn to make good choices and decisions toward their future as a responsible citizen. This process is often difficult for adolescents. They may change periodically in terms of their self-conce pt. According to Piaget, adolescent gain the ability to think about intangible objects and methods and have the ability to see multiple aspects of one idea. As adolescents enhance their understanding of themselves, they actually become more aware of their own emotions and feelings and how these feelings affect their daily lives. By gaining some emotional understanding of themselves, they are able to change their self-identity. This is how they perceive their characteristics and abilities fit with the opportunities that are available to them. These changes are now known to continue in our American society well into emerging adulthood. But many of the identity issues that begin during adolescence determine the paths an adolescent may take including future college, vocational or career choices, as well as other aspects of their lives. Adolescent constantly views themselves as the center of attention and certainty of an individuals distinct personal experience and fate. Adolescence also belief that unfortunate occurrences only happen to other people which encourages risky behavior. Adolescence today continue to be highly sexually active and about 20% of sexually active teenagers have sexually transmitted disease. Teenage mothers and fathers are associated with difficult economic circumstances and personal challenges. Marriage under such circumstances generally does not produce positive outcomes in part because early marriage often leads to dropping out of school. Chapter 11 During adolescence, young people reach physical maturity, develop a more sophisticated understanding of roles and relationships, and acquire and refine skills needed for successfully performing adult work and family roles. The developmental tasks of this periodcoping with physical changes and emerging sexuality, developing interpersonal skills for opposite-sex relationships, acquiring education and training for adult work roles, becoming emotionally and behaviorally autonomous, resolving identity issues, and acquiring a set of values are all tied to successful functioning in adulthood in one way or another. The movement toward adulthood colors our expectations of adolescents, and hence our treatment of them. One expect adolescents to move away from the adult-directed activities of childhood toward the autonomy, responsibility, self-direction and independence from their parents and forming an identity. Consistent with these expectations, adolescents are granted increased freedom of choice to varying degrees, adolescents select their academic courses, choose their friends and activities, and make plans concerning post high school education, employment, and family life. Many of these decisions have important implications for young peoples subsequent life course. Educational decisions, such as whether to attend college or not, affect future career opportunities and vocational development. Similarly, becoming an adolescent parent often limits educational attainment and employment opportunities. Erikson viewed the critical developmental task of adolescence as identity verses identity confusion which requires the teen to sort through various choices in order to answer to questions who am I? Adolescents who go out with friends rather than study for an important test, who engage in unprotected intercourse or experiment with a new drug, or who ride home with an intoxicated driver may unknowingly affect the direction of their future lives. Moreover, short-term choices may evolve into regular patterns of behavior or lifestyles, which, in turn, influence future development. Thus, the choices that adolescents make and the developmental course they define can profoundly shape their later lives. Therefore, the adolescents movement toward autonomy entails both growth and risk. On the one hand, adolescents need to experience greater freedom of choice so they can begin to exercise self-direction. Successful parents must provide support to teenage children. Maintaining communication helps reduce serious conflict. Parental monitoring is based on open communication and adolescent willingness to disclose the details of the adolescents life. The most importance of peers increases enormously during adolescence. Through social comparisons, teens compare themselves to their peers as a means of defining themselves. Early on, dating serves to give young adolescents experience without deep emotional involvement. Later, adolescents who date may develop emotional closeness and serious romantic relationship. Adolescence and emerging adulthood is often characterized by risk taking behavior. Because the brain region related to judgment and emotional control are still developing, adolescent may take risks without fully appreciating the consequences. Suicide is the third leading cause of death during adolescence, and the rate of suicide in this age group is rising. To support positive adolesce nt development, we should support and strengthen families, provide then with activities in which they can be successful Chapter 12 The young adult stage is full of major changes in both physical and cognitive attributes. The body has finished fully developing and the thinking process is carried out in a more complex manner. It is during this development stage that the young adult can contemplate the views of others and put themselves in their place to gain a better understanding. Many key events in adulthood occur at relatively predictable times for most people in an age cohort. An age clock represents our internal sense of time for when major life events should occur. Physically, it is a time when one is at his or her healthiest. The brain is still increasing in size, although new neurons are no longer forming. One sense is also the keenest during this time of life. Full maturation has been reached, as well as full height. This is also the time when this age group learns to live comfortably in their own. The young adult years are often referred to as the peak years. Young adults experience excellent health, vigor, and physical functioning. Young adults have not yet been subjected to age-related physical deterioration, such as wrinkles, weakened body systems, and reduced lung and heart capacities. Their strength, coordination, reaction time, sensation, fine motor skills, and sexual response are at a maximum. Additionally, both young men and women enjoy the benefits of societys emphasis on youthfulness. They typically look and feel attractive and sexually appealing. Young men may have healthy skin, all or most of their hair, and well-defined muscles. Young women may have soft and supple skin, a small waistline, and toned legs, thighs, and buttocks. Early in adulthood, neither gender has truly suffered from any double standard of aging, mainly, the misconception that aging men are distinguished, but aging women are over the hill. With good looks, great health, and plenty of energy, youn g adults dream and plan. Adults in their 20s and 30s set many goals that they intend to accomplish, from finishing graduate school, to getting married and raising children and to becoming a millionaire. Young adulthood is a time when nothing seems impossible; with the right attitude and enough persistence and energy, anything can be achieved. Some individuals begins habits that likely will produce health problems later in life such as overeating, overuse of alcohol, drugs and lack of exercise. Physical change may come in the form of weight gain for this age group. This is the time of settling into careers which can be sedentary, compared to the activities that are done in college and high school. For many, this is the first time in taking sole responsibility for providing nourishment. Many young adults move away from home. Food intake may now consist of fast food and frozen dinners, which can really rack up the pounds. Early adulthood is often the time during which people are most s exually active, and many plan to have children. Sexually transmitted diseases affect most of the young adults such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Aids may be least partly responsible for a shift to more caution sexual behavior. Many young adults have developed the skill to reason logically and solve abstract problems. This is also the age when they are able to solve theoretical problems. This age group scores higher than any other on the fluid intelligence section of an IQ test. Fluid intelligence is not only the ability to think abstractly, but to deal with novel situations. This is the age that awareness of consequences develops. Piaget argued that cognitive development reaches its highest level, their thinking becomes more complex.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Death Penalty Is Needed In Our Uncivilized Society :: Pro Capital Punishment Essays
Introduction: Capital punishment is the most severe form of corporal punishment as it requires law enforcement officers to kill the offender. It has been banned in many countries, in the United States, an earlier move to eliminate capital punishment has now been reversed and more and more states are resorting to capital punishment for serious offenses such as murder. An Eye for and eye, a life for a life, who has never heard of the famous lex talionis? The Bible mentions it, and people have been using it regularly for centuries. We use it in reference to burglary, adultery, love and many other situations. However, some people use it on a different level, some people use it in reference to death. One steals from those who have stolen from him, one wrongs those who have wronged him, but do we really have the right to kill those who have killed. Today, there is a big controversy over capital punishment whether or not it works, or if it is morally right. We have a certain privilege on our own lives, b ut do the lives of others belong to us as well? Do we have the right to decide the kind of lives others can or cannot live? We find someone guilty of murder and sentence him to death, does that not make murderers out of ourselves? Can justice justify our acts? Those who assist in the death penalty are they not partners in crime? Is the death penalty a "Cruel and Unusual" punishment or is it now a necessary tool in the war on crime? With the increase in crime and violence in our society, how does the death penalty affect a North American family. History of the Death Penalty: Use of the death penalty has declined throughout the industrial Western World since the 19th century. In 1972, movement in America to have the death penalty declared unconstitutional during the landmark case of Furman v. Georgia, which declared the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment. However, after a supreme court decision in 1975, Gregg v. Georgia, which stated capital punishment did not violate the eighth Amendment, executions commenced again under state supervision. (Van der Haag, 1975, 3-4) The debate: Deterrence: There are four major issues in the capital punishment debate, the first being deterrence. A major purpose of criminal punishment is to deter future criminal conduct. The deterrence theory suggests that a rational person will avoid criminal behavior if the severity of the punishment outweigh the benefits of the illegal conduct.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Difference in Living in the South
Introduction with Thesis Statement This paper will be discussing the differences in living in the South, and in the North. The two places that will be compared are Chicago Illinois, and Clarksville Tennessee. It will also tell how the two places are alike and different. The difference is the fast pace of city life, and the slow pace of country living. The city life is a better way of living then that of the country, due to its broad cultural environment. Topic 1 The city life is a fast pace way of living than in the country.Unlike the country the cities traffic is like having rush hour all day long. People are rushing to do just about everything, from shopping, eating, exercising, and most importantly to go to work. People go downtown to enjoy the different sites, like the Sears Tower, and the great big buildings the city folk love so much. The food is always magnificent; you can get any kind of food from any nationality. There are many different ethnic groups that dwell in the city of Chicago.There are Mexicans, who live mostly on the Westside of Chicago, and African Americans who live mainly on thee Southside of Chicago. The Eastside is also filled with Blacks. As for the North you will see a majority Whites, these are known as the suburbs. Downtown you have a mixture of them all. You will see Asians, Indians, Italians, French, and West Indies. The streets are crowded everyday with people who are in a hurry. Buckingham Fountain is one of the most beautiful fountains in the City of Chicago.You may recognize it from the TV series Married with Children. The lights that shine are of every color on an artistââ¬â¢s canvas. There are at least five museums; great exhibits for every member in your family. Thereââ¬â¢s also a museum located on Stoney Island Avenue, with a Harry Potter exhibit it is very fascinating. Down town is like being in a crowded Grocery store. There is always cars honking, buses stopping at every stop, taxi cabs tail-gating other cars, peop le running to catch the bus, and running to get into shops as they open.Some people are crossing the street from every direction trying to get to the other side of the street. You begin to feel like you are a part of something bigger than you are. Start Topic 2 here The country life is a bit slower than that of the city a particular place is Clarksville Tennessee. Clarksville is a small town near a Military Installation. When the soldiers are gone its like living in a ghost town, because the military make up most of the population. The campgrounds are lots of fun, but you have to drive an hour away to Kentucky to enjoy the scenery.The country life is mostly dealt with outdoor activities. In the summer there are Barbeques, parks, swimming pools, and jazz on the lawn. Along the local streets there farms and lots of land for sale. Most of your neighbors own farmland and they have all sorts of farm animals, like cows, horses, and chickens. The air is not always as fresh as you think the re is the fertilizer, and the smell of the factories smoke. Clarksville is very close to the boarder of Oak Grove Kentucky; so driving to the next state to go to your local YMCA was never that fun.There is only a four-corner mall to shopat in Clarksville, so we drive an hour away to go to Nashville Tennessee where there are five malls. The town has a festival from time to time nothing too big due to limited of space available for the town activities. The downtown is very small they have a couple of bars and boutiques. There is one pub that is almost fun itââ¬â¢s called the Black Horse. You can eat, drink as well as dance and mingle. Clarksville is so slow that it makes you want to go back to sleep as soon as you wake up. There are lots of Amish settlers who still live in the town of Clarksville.They do not drive cars, or ride buses they still ride buggies that are pulled buy horses. The town caters to them, there are many signs around that say ââ¬Å"reduce speed ahead: with the horse and buggy picture on them. The town is so spread out that you will have to own a car. The townââ¬â¢s transportation is scarce, there is CTS (Clarksville Transit System), but it stops at nine o clock in the evening, and it runs every two hours. It is very hard to live in the country, and most of all a big difference from the city. The comparison of the TwoLiving in the City of Chicago is quite the difference then living in Clarksville Tennessee, First you have to schedule a precise time just to meet your friend for coffee at Starbucks, or lunch at Abdo Mexican Grill and shopping at Macyââ¬â¢s due to the busy flow of traffic that is in the city. Going down town is big because of the people, the crowds are exciting, the different types of nationalities you see make you a part of a great country that has done away with racism. There are so many sites to see in Chicago; Sears Tower the Museums with all the nice exhibits and much more.However, in Clarksville There is no traffi c you can call your friend up anytime for a cup of coffee and meet right then. The only crowd of people are the ones inside of a Super Wal-Mart Store, in the only sites are your neighbors back yard looking at them barbecue: Unless you drive an hour away everyday to go see the sites in Kentucky or shop in Nashville Tennessee. Choosing the City life is great there is wade too much to see and do, Tall building lit up by beautiful lights at night, different nationalities of people Chinese, Mexicans, Indians, Koreans, Germans, Whites and blacks.The many choices of ethnic restaurants: enjoying food you like created by that race. Having a China town right in your own city, the cultural is so a live you think you really are in China. The people and their clothes, the stores are all Chinese stores, you cannot buy any American anything from China town. People being in a hurry cars moving fast, tall building, and not having to drive hours away to go to a mall is why living in the city is excit ing. The Conclusion
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Literature research Essay
I found a lot of valuable information from doing my literature research. I was able to see that many people have different answers on how to combat bullying. I also found out very interesting stats on bullying over the past 3 years. They showed me that each year there was an increasing amount of children calling child line about bullying issues compared to the previous years. This is statistical evidence to support my hypothesis, ââ¬Å"bullying is spiralling out of controlâ⬠. If I had been able to conduct my interview my results would have been much more valid. Valid data is a true picture of what is being measured. From the interview that I did conduct I was able to look at the views of a head teacher who had been in education for many years so was able to see if bullying really was getting worse. She believes that bullying hasnââ¬â¢t got any worse it is just society now has a greater awareness of it. She also says as there is now much more media coverage that gives young people ideas to do different things to people to get attention. This would refute my hypothesis but as this is of only one persons view it is not as valid as I would like. When conducting my questionnaires I had 10 participants for the adult questionnaire and 10 participants for the childrenââ¬â¢s questionnaire. This was fairly small scale therefore making it lass valid. If I had a longer period of time I would be able to get much more respondents and get them from a wider area making my results more valid and more reliable My results from the adults questionnaire showed me that all the respondents believe that bullying isnââ¬â¢t spiralling out of control its just society has a greater awareness of it. 70% of my respondents were also aware of bullying when they were at school. My questionnaires that I received from the children showed me that they have a lot of knowledge on the subject. All of the children said that bullying had been around for a long time and 0ver half of them thought that it was getting worse. This could be due to the fact that as the get older they are starting to experience more bullying situations and see this as it is due to the fact that bullying is getting worse. In conclusion my results both support my hypothesis ( bullying is spiralling out of control) and refute it. I found supporting evidence for both of these so I cant say which one I believe is true. My questionnaires and interview are supporting evidence for my hypothesis but the literature research shows me strong evidence to refute it especially the statistical evidence I found. Therefore I cant conclude from my research that bullying is spiralling out of control but it is a strong possibility that society is now more aware of it which may make bullying look like it is spiralling out of control with all the recent media attention there has been. If I repeated my research project to make it more valid and reliable I would do a longitudinal survey. With these I would be able to analyse the changes of bullying and make comparisons over time making the results I already have more reliable as I would be able to back them up with these repeated results. I would be able to gain a lot of quantitative data which would enable me to produce more reliable stats and help me to analyse statistical data over a longer period of time. I could also use supervised questionnaires as I would then know that the person that I wanted to fill in the questionnaire actually did making them more valid. A way of getting more respondents to fill my questionnaire within the short space of time that I would have would be to use postal questionnaires. I could cheaply reach a large amount of people making my results more valid. The problem with these is that they have a low response rate (less than 50%). I could also look at bullying from a different angle, to gain a better understanding of it. I could look more at the types of bullying that happen and the different effects it has on the victims. This could give me a deeper insight into the different aspects of bullying and could possibly show me ways in which bullying could be stopped. Bibliography à http://news.bbc.co.uk
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Media Control essays
Media Control essays As citizens of a capitalist society we need to consider the dangers that corporate media imposes on democracy. Big corporations interest lies in the betterment of the corporation. So what interest does big corporation have in the media? This discussion usually begins with the question: What purpose does the media serve in a democratic society? Society currently faces a controversy over the definition of democracy. Democracy (di mokr sà ª) n., pl. -ies 1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. 2. a state having such a form of government. 3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. 4. political or social equality; democratic spirit. 5. the common people, of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power. There are two forms of democracy widely discussed yet only one is acted out. The first is a democracy for the people, where people take part in the political process. The second is the idea that the masses lack the superior qualities needed to make good decisions; we elect individuals who have the superior decision making qualities to make our decisions for us. These two interpretations run parallel in some cases but there is much discrepancy in the role the people should take in democracy. Should people take an active role in the decision making process? Or do we refrain from letting our ignorance get in the way and let our leaders do their job? In this country we let the leaders take the power. Theoretically speaking, it makes sense. Some people are better leaders than others, so they should be in charge. But what happens when the people in charge do n ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
8 Suffixes for Collateral Adjectives
8 Suffixes for Collateral Adjectives 8 Suffixes for Collateral Adjectives 8 Suffixes for Collateral Adjectives By Mark Nichol The English language is remarkably adaptable, but one idiosyncrasy of this flexibility in particular creates complications for writers and speakers: collateral adjectives, those not based on and therefore not resembling their associated nouns. English has several forms, including the related suffixes -like and -ly, to signal an adjectiveââ¬â¢s relationship to a noun, but more elegant solutions often exist. Unfortunately, itââ¬â¢s not easy to conjure these adjectives, because theyââ¬â¢re often borrowed from different languages than those from which their equivalent nouns were taken. If you want to explain that someone or something resembles an animal, or you want to describe behavior reminiscent of a certain animalââ¬â¢s, you can say or write, ââ¬Å"He had a foxlike expressionâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s usually considered a womanly quality.â⬠But for just about any animal, if you want to refer to its qualities in comparison or metaphorically, thereââ¬â¢s a Latin root and the suffix -ine (more on this post), and the same or similar appendages serve to help you refer to other aspects: ââ¬Å"He had a vulpine expressionâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s usually considered a feminine quality.â⬠Meanwhile, fatherly, motherly, brotherly, and sisterly are all well and good, but paternal, maternal, fraternal, and sororal are all available alternatives. Here are seven suffixes commonly appended to foreign roots to form collateral adjectives, with sample adjectives and their associated nouns: -al Cerebral: brain Corporal (or carnal or physical): body Diurnal: day Dorsal (or lumbar): back Natal: birth -ar Insular: island Lunar: moon Ocular (or optic): eye Specular: mirror Vascular: blood -ary Culinary: cooking Epistolary: letter (correspondence) Maxillary: jaw Tintinnabulary: bell Tutelary: guardian -ial Aerial (or aeronautic): air Commercial: business Filial: child Initial: beginning Tonsorial: hair, barber -ic Acoustic (or sonic): sound Bucolic (or rural or rustic): countryside Civic (or metropolitan or urban): city Forensic: court Numismatic: coin -ile Infantile: baby, immaturity Juvenile (or puerile): child, youth Mobile: movement Tactile (or haptic): touch Virile: man -ine Divine: god, deity Lacustrine: lake Marine (or maritime or pelagic): ocean (or, pertaining only to marine, ship) Masculine: man Vespertine: evening -ous Amorous: love Aqueous: water Ferrous: iron Fulmineous: thunder Vitreous: glass Collateral adjectives are often the preferred choice over adjectives directly derived from a noun (for example, daily from day) only in formal, ironic, or humorously pedantic usage, but they are helpful because superficially synonymic adjectives may have different senses (for example, daily and diurnal have different meanings). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One Spelling15 Great Word GamesCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Salir
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Salir Salir, a common verb that typically means to leave, to exit or to depart, is irregular in ways that few verbs are. A -ga- or -dr- is inserted in some endings in ways that arent predictable. The only frequently used verb that is conjugated in the same way as salir is sobresalir, which usually means to stand out or to tower above. Two rare verbs, also based on salir, share the conjugation. They are resalir (an architectural term for emphasizing a feature in a building) and asalir (to leave for a meeting). Irregular forms aestabanre shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Infinitive of Salir salir (to leave) Gerund of Salir saliendo (leaving) Participle of Salir salido (left) Present Indicative of Salir yo salgo, tà º sales, usted/à ©l/ella sale, nosotros/as salimos, vosotros/as salà s, ustedes/ellos/ellas salen (I leave, you leave, he leaves, etc.) Preterite of Salir yo salà , tà º saliste, usted/à ©l/ella salià ³, nosotros/as salimos, vosotros/as salisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas salieron (I left, you left, she left, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Salir yo salà a, tà º salà as, usted/à ©l/ella salà a, nosotros/as salà amos, vosotros/as salà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas salà an (I used to leave, you used to leave, he used to leave, etc.) Future Indicative of Salir yo saldrà ©, tà º saldrs, usted/à ©l/ella saldr, nosotros/as saldremos, vosotros/as saldrà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas saldrn (I will leave, you will leave, he will leave, etc.) Conditional of Salir yo saldrà a, tà º saldrà as, usted/à ©l/ella saldrà a, nosotros/as saldrà amos, vosotros/as saldrà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas saldrà an (I would leave, you would leave, she would leave, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Salir que yo salga, que tà º salgas, que usted/à ©l/ella salga, que nosotros/as salgamos, que vosotros/as salgis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas salgan (that I leave, that you leave, that she leave, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Salir que yo saliera (saliese), que tà º salieras (salieses), que usted/à ©l/ella saliera (saliese), que nosotros/as salià ©ramos (salià ©semos), que vosotros/as salierais (salieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas salieran (saliesen) (that I left, that you left, that he left, etc.) Imperative of Salir sal (tà º), no salgas (tà º), salga (usted), salgamos (nosotros/as), salid (vosotros/as), no salgis (vosotros/as), salgan (ustedes) (leave, dont leave, leave, lets leave, etc.) Compound Tenses of Salir The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, salido. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, saliendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Salir Nadie los vio salir. (Nobody saw them leave. Infinitive.) Inglaterra ha salido de la institucià ³n europea, pero no ha salido de la economà a europea. (England has left the European institution, but it hasnt left the European economy. Present perfect.) à ¿Quià ©n dice que hemos salido de la crisis econà ³mica? (Who says that we are out of the economic crisis? Literally, who says that we have left the economic crisis? Present perfect.)à Las cosas se estaban saliendo de control. (Things were going out of control. Present progressive using the gerund.) A esa hora, en la costa oriental de Estados Unidos, la Luna estar ponià ©ndose y el Sol estar saliendo. (At that time on the east coast of the United States, the moon will be setting and the sun will be rising. Future progressive.) Salgo de mi trabajo a las tres de la maà ±ana. (I get off work at 3 a.m. Present indicative.) Los buses salen cada 20 minutos. (The buses leave every 20 minutes. Present indicative.) Todos los estudiantes salieron con lgrimas en los ojos. (All the students left with tears in their eyes. Preterite.) Podà as ver cà ³mo le salà a sangre de sus ojos. (You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Imperfect.) La verdad saldr a la luz. (The truth will come to light. Future.) No saldrà © si mi padre no quiere que salga. (I will not leave if my father doesnt want me to.à (Future,à present subjunctive.) Aunque hacer helados caseros no es excesivamente complicado, lo cierto es que se necesita un equipamiento bsico para que salgan lo ms deliciosos posible. (Although making home-made ice cream treats isnt especially complicated, it is certain that you need basic equipment so they turn out as delicious as possible. Present subjunctive.) à ¿Que pasarà a si la Tierra se saliera de su à ³rbita? (What would happen if the Earth left its orbit? Imperfect subjunctive.) Si salià ©semos a la calle a preguntar por la mejor serie de videojuegos de basket, probablemente 9 de cada 10 nos responderà an ââ¬Å"NBA 2Kâ⬠. (If we were to go out on the street to ask what is the best basketball game video series, probably nine out of 10 would respond with ââ¬Å"NBA 2K.â⬠Imperfect subjunctive.) Sââ¬â¹al ahora de tu zona de confort. (Get out of your comfort zone now. Imperative.) No salgis de allà hasta que encontremos lo que queremos saber. (Dont leave from there until we find out what we want to know. Negative imperative.)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Solutions to the long waiting queues in Starbucks Term Paper
Solutions to the long waiting queues in Starbucks - Term Paper Example Starbucks has in the recent past experienced high demands for its products. However, the operations within the firm continue to deteriorate causing consumers to wait on long queues (Helgesen 835). It is time for the management at Starbucks to come up with an information system that would reduce waiting time on queues. The following is an evaluation of Starbucks and the problem of long waiting queues. A detailed Starbucksââ¬â¢ problem is provided in the paper. In this analysis, a proposed information system of self ordering and self check out kiosk is proposed. The paper also describes the installation of the proposed information system in addition to evaluating expected costs. Other than the time table of the project, the evaluation provides details of the proposed information systems in respect to the structure and requirements. A concluding remark provides a summary of the major points in respect to the problem of long waiting queues in Starbucks. Overview of Starbucks Starbucks, founded in 1971, is a firm that has coffee houses that beacon for coffee lovers throughout a given geographical area (Starbucks.com). Since 1971 Starbucks has been a major player in roasting and retailing of whole bean and ground coffee besides tea and spices. Starbucks has continued to grow and today it boasts of over 18,000 retail stores in approximately 60 countries (Starbucks.com). The mission of Starbucks is to inspire and nurture the human spirit through the principle of one person one cup and the neighborhood at every given time. One of the reasons for the increased growth in demand for Starbucksââ¬â¢ coffee is the fact that the firm serves the best coffee possible with their goal being providing highest standards or quality coffee besides using ethical sourcing practices (Starbucks.com). Amazingly, the coffee buyers have to travel to coffee farms in Latin America, Africa, and Asia with a view of selecting the highest quality beans that result into high quality p roducts. Other than coffee products, Starbucks also stocks and distributes other products including handcrafted beverages, merchandise, fresh foods, and consumer products such as the ready-to-drink products and ice creams amongst others (Starbucks.com). Therefore, the main brand portfolio for Starbucks include coffee, Seattleââ¬â¢s best coffee, Tazo tea, evolution fresh, La Boulange, and Torrefazione Italia coffee. In addition to stocking and distributing high quality products, Starbucks continues to attract and retain consumers through its corporate social responsibilities
Friday, October 18, 2019
Keyword Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Keyword Critique - Research Paper Example In sociology, persons are normally classified into groups according to their socio-economic conditions. Social stratification tries to understand political, social, ideological, cultural, and economic dimensions of social inequality. However, stratification is not homogenous concepts. It is by definition has multiple meanings and the meanings changes when placed against different contexts and different actors. In sociology, the use of the term stratification has changed from time to time. It even substantially changes in terms of meaning and practice in different schools such as Marxism, functionalism and structuralism. II. The Conceptualization of Stratification When someone tries to find answer of poverty in any society the concept of stratification becomes important. If we try to locate reasons behind the backwardness of Black people or women vis-a-vis White people or we try to gauge chances of a child born into working class family to climb the social ladder, we will lend into ou rselves into the study of social stratification. The methodological analysis of stratification seeks ââ¬Ëto discover social gulfs- to find the gaps in peopleââ¬â¢s social relations and experience- which might explain the fissures in peopleââ¬â¢s perception of each other. ... Max Weber has tried to elaborate the concept of social stratification wherein he studies stratification in traditional societies or we could call them status-based societies and of modern societies. According to him in traditional societies, personââ¬â¢s social status was depended upon his ascribed status wherein a person possesses qualities, which are beyond his control like sex, class at birth ethnicity, race, caste, or religion. Whereas in modern society element of achievement or personal qualities defines persons social status. Max Weber has made distinction between social class, which is defined according to material wealth, and status class, which depends upon social honor, prestige and links to the religious institutions. Studies of social stratification try to understand at what extends class or status system affects modes of social action. It analyses class and status structures and its reproduction in the society. Social stratification tries to understand how inequality of condition and opportunities affects outcome and what are the methods used by groups to protect their class or status boundaries. In simple word, how people maintain their class privileges and how other sections try to get access to it, these are the issues which get importance in the study of social stratification. Social stratification investigates various ways through which class, status-groups are formed in the society, and through it sociologist understand the society. While fiercely criticising the empirical sociology dominated in the United States, Anderson and Massey points out that ââ¬Å"as the status attainment model came to dominate American sociology, the study of stratification became progressively despatialized. Socio-economic outcomes were conceptualized as individual-level
Experiential learning-case study. MSc in HRM Essay
Experiential learning-case study. MSc in HRM - Essay Example Experiential learning therefore directly addresses the needs and desires of the learner, rather than being dictated by the instructor. In the context of organizations, individuals acquire different skills, ideas and concepts by observing what others are doing within the organization itself. Practical solutions to problems and obstacles that confront the learner motivates him to work out solutions to problems by either observing how others do it or innovating a way of doing it that others may later imitate (Rogers & Freiburg, 1994, p 16). Starting a business for instance is usually a response to a certain need that the business is envisaged to meet. Once the business takes off however, it may not survive by sticking strictly to the original plan since other unforeseen needs arise that are met experientially. Many business organizations therefore survive through constant learning brought about by varied experiences (Rogers & Freiburg, 1994, p 17). This case study focuses on the Wegmanââ¬â¢s Food Markets. It analyzes how the company has established a reputation, and won awards in the process, as one of the organizations with the best human resource management practices. This has been achieved almost entirely through the practice of experiential learning (Bingham, & Galagan, 2005). Though from the foregoing, experiential learning is a self-motivated process, the concept can be used to initiate and effect interventions in employee training and development by organizations (Rogers & Freiburg, 1994, p 18). One such example is Wegmans Food Markets. It is a huge chain of supermarkets ranking as one of the biggest private companies in the US. In 2005 Fortunes magazine rated it the best in among the top 100 employee friendly companies in the US (Bingham, & Galagan, 2005). The Company has some 35,000 employees in its 69 stores located in New
Medical Ethics and Informed Consent Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Medical Ethics and Informed Consent - Assignment Example Researchers argued that the experimentation was to help develop an immunization for hepatitis B. The ethical challenges at hand are that yes, it is evident that research needed to be done on hepatitis at that time. However, children with mental retardation already have problems enough in their lives. This is like saying that their life has no value. In some cases, the parents did not consent. Depending on the level of mental retardation, a child can thrive but to deliberately expose them to hepatitis could greatly diminish their already lowered quality of life and the children have no say in it. They are the ones to go through the pain and struggle but instead were treated as though they were already discarded bodies. For the parents that may have consented to this experiment, they were subjecting their children to something that the effects were unknown. During a type of experiment like this, it is questionable as to what informed consent even is because what are the minimum standar ds for subjecting a personââ¬â¢s life to something that could be fatal for the sake of the medical industry? It could almost be envisioned as child abuse. Neither the researchers nor the publishing journals were responsible in making their decision to infect these children. It could be argued whether or not the publication of these editorials was ethical as well. The information about the research was disclosed that the children were at a particular school and that is an issue of confidentiality. Additionally, it was an experiment conducted on human beings. No one was to know the outcome. To publish the editorials was almost an intent to show that there was controversy in the medical field and to create a media inspired uproar. Abigail Alliance vs. FDA Majority Opinion Abigail was a terminally ill patient with cancer whom had undergone chemotherapy and radiation. She also had possible access to experimental drugs that her oncologist was suggesting. Though she could have possibly had positive effects and saved her life, the drug was only available for clinical trials. By the time that she was allowed to be entered into the clinical trial program, she was too ill to make the trip to see if the drugs would work on her and she died a couple of weeks later. The Abigail Alliance was created to help expand the availability for drugs that are only available for clinical trials to also be available to patients that are terminally ill. These drugs not only could have been helpful for Abigail but for many other patients just like her that were minimally competent and would have had the ability to make the decision for themselves had the FDA not stood in their way of obtaining these drugs. The FDA, though it makes regulations about drugs in the United States, has to conduct research on these pharmaceuticals to test to ensure that they are safe. For someone that is terminally ill, it could be a method of helping to create a better quality of life or even improve their l ongevity. These patients were not given the right to access treatment but the FDA looks at it from the perspective of being a liability if their organization allows just anyone to take these drugs
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Do androids dream of electric sheep novel by philip k. dick PowerPoint Presentation
Do androids dream of electric sheep novel by philip k. dick - PowerPoint Presentation Example He swore to protect the andys as without doing so, he could no longer be considered a member of the Mercer. All other characters in the novel were against the androids except for Harry and John who made it possible for them to exist or live. Generally, it was in this chapter that thorough investigations were instigated to find and eliminate androids especially by Deckard who was one of the corps. In chapter nineteen of this novel John and Baty can be seen having a little misunderstanding. The misunderstanding in this case is brought about by the issue of the bounty hunter who was seen approaching their apartment. John was being told by Baty to keep the hunter from entering the apartment, did not listen and exited the apartment continuing his journey to where he always released the spiders given to him by Mercer. On reaching the point, He meets Deckard who talks to him after a flashlight has lightened up in his face. The conversation between Deckard and John in this case was all about the live creatures that were put down by John. Deckard who wanted to know the apartment from which John collected the spiders didnââ¬â¢t succeed as John was not willing to tell him with the reason of protecting the three andys. Actually, this chapter of the book depicts on the various conversations and actions by John, Baty and Deckard. The Androids that were being protected by John were later done away with or killed by Deckard after mimicking John Isadoreââ¬â¢s voice that made the androids to open the door. Deckard in this book was said to have a listening gear that could help him in identifying the androids in their hidden location. Generally, this chapter depicts on how the androids were killed despite the protection that was instilled by John. This chapter depicts on the conversation between Harry, Deckard and John after the death of the androids. Harry is mentioned in this chapter telling Deckard on his action of sending a crew to help in picking or taking away the
Using AIUs survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the Research Paper - 1
Using AIUs survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a report - Research Paper Example Political issues include: the candidate who is most preferable or which party is most preferable. Looking at the pools from Gallup politics website on peopleââ¬â¢s preferable party, the number of people who took part in the political poll in as compared to the number in the population is; Using polls from http://www.gallup.com/Home.aspx, it is evident that 95% of the respondent participated in the survey on US Economic confidence. This survey was conducted through phone interviews with phone numbers selected in random and consisted of 3, 546 adults. The results indicate that the data is reliable as a large number of respondents participated and they were selected in random (GALLUP, 2013). In the tree surveys, the sample size used is 3,546 for the general survey, 20,800 adults for the political survey and 1,010 for entertainment survey. The sample size that is most appropriate is the large sample as it gives a more accurate data. However, this should be applied when there is ample time to conduct the survey. The study concentrates on the younger age group of between 18 and 24 years which is advisable as this is the group that is likely to give better information on the subject. The other group is like a control group for comparison. This is helpful in getting more accurate
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Do androids dream of electric sheep novel by philip k. dick PowerPoint Presentation
Do androids dream of electric sheep novel by philip k. dick - PowerPoint Presentation Example He swore to protect the andys as without doing so, he could no longer be considered a member of the Mercer. All other characters in the novel were against the androids except for Harry and John who made it possible for them to exist or live. Generally, it was in this chapter that thorough investigations were instigated to find and eliminate androids especially by Deckard who was one of the corps. In chapter nineteen of this novel John and Baty can be seen having a little misunderstanding. The misunderstanding in this case is brought about by the issue of the bounty hunter who was seen approaching their apartment. John was being told by Baty to keep the hunter from entering the apartment, did not listen and exited the apartment continuing his journey to where he always released the spiders given to him by Mercer. On reaching the point, He meets Deckard who talks to him after a flashlight has lightened up in his face. The conversation between Deckard and John in this case was all about the live creatures that were put down by John. Deckard who wanted to know the apartment from which John collected the spiders didnââ¬â¢t succeed as John was not willing to tell him with the reason of protecting the three andys. Actually, this chapter of the book depicts on the various conversations and actions by John, Baty and Deckard. The Androids that were being protected by John were later done away with or killed by Deckard after mimicking John Isadoreââ¬â¢s voice that made the androids to open the door. Deckard in this book was said to have a listening gear that could help him in identifying the androids in their hidden location. Generally, this chapter depicts on how the androids were killed despite the protection that was instilled by John. This chapter depicts on the conversation between Harry, Deckard and John after the death of the androids. Harry is mentioned in this chapter telling Deckard on his action of sending a crew to help in picking or taking away the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Nursing Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nursing Decision Making - Essay Example The advancement of technology has fueled various practices even in the nursing profession that has in turn caused a revolution in the way that nurses make decisions. Nursing embraces technology especially since there has been tremendous revamp as a consequence of its incorporation in the nursing profession (Hardy, Garbett, Titchen, Manley, 2002, p.200). There are conditions where nurses have to make sober and most feasible decisions when it comes to patients suffering acute conditions. These patients have to be accorded precise care in order to ensure their comfortable recovery in health institutions. Many patients have faced situations where they do not recover out of their illnesses since nurses do not have ample reasoning skills (Del Bueno, 2005, p.202). This is a result of nurses not making correct assessment of the patients they have in their centers, where they are supposed to evaluate the most ill patients and offer them the help they need. This papers purports to evaluate the importance of critical thinking for nurses in their provision of healthcare to patients. The situation in health facilities is that ââ¬Ëat riskââ¬â¢ patients are fitted with a device that notices complex fatal situations such as cardiac arrests and warns the health administration in order to offer them quick response (Ebright, Urden, Patterson, Chalko, 2003, p.635). Quite often though, the nurses in all over the world do not possess the right planning skills when offering administration of health care to patients. While the degree of complexity in diseases is increasing indefinitely, nursing profession has adopted the information and technology empowerment to offer their patients the best kind of healthcare. However, this has not been totally comprehensive in offering healthcare and it calls for additional endeavors to coach nurses. The profession management found it fit to complement nurses with teaching in critical thinking skills in an effort to reduce poor clinical reason ing. Research conducted by an Australian institution for instance, showed that the level of ââ¬Ëunsafeââ¬â¢ nurses in the United States stands at 70%. This translates to the high number of fatalities of patients under healthcare and in retaliation critical thinking education scheme has been boosted to allow for better service provision. Critical Reasoning It is defined as the clinical way that nurses and other healthcare providers perceive the situations that face them in providing their services to patients. It may also be called problem solving, critical thinking, clinical judgment or decision making. Clinical judgment is assessing the problem a patient is facing. Nurses therefore need to be well equipped to make a distinction between symptoms, collecting evidence of illness, understanding them, evaluating the possible solutions to ease illness and implement the best possible solution. The process of clinical reasoning is the ability of a nurse to assess the situation of the patients in terms of their symptoms, understand them, evaluate possible solutions, implement the best solution, know the outcomes possible for the patient and to internalize the processes (Thompson & Dowding, 2002, p.50). There is not really a certain way that nurses have to make sober clinical reasoning solutions. The basic process however involves ?collection, description and understandingââ¬â¢. The reason why nurses should learn from these situations is because precedence is also a form of clinical reasoning. When for instance, a nurse encounters a problem in a patient they are best placed to make a decision if they had encountered identical problems in other patients and therefore make decisions based on
Monday, October 14, 2019
Managing human resource
Managing human resource Managing human resource Organizations and corporations are multifaceted. Such complexity within a business necessitates the need to strategic approach to the management of the employees, whose task is to enable the business to achieve its objectives. Human capital is an imperative asset of an organization and proper use of a potent assent can construct a successful and resourceful organization. In an organization, human capital can make or break an objective or a strategy. The human resource department is the most important departments of an organization. Almost all activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining effective workforce are implemented in this department. The functions of human resource management are, but are not limited to, hiring the right candidates, at the right time, and at the right price. It also involves training the existing employees, motivating them to give the best to the organization, resolving conflicts, discipline the employees who violate the organizations rules and regulation, as well as downsizing of the staff strength. Managing human resource is difficult as the job deals with solely installing the organizational culture into employees and keeping them happy in the work environment. In essence, this can be accomplished in theory, but is quite difficult in practice. The different aspects of human resource management can be broadly categorized into recruitment and selection, performance management, benefits and compensation, disciplinary and grievances, labor relation, and manpower planning. Recruitment involves the process of advertising job through magazines, newspaper, headhunting, employment agencies, internal sourcing, and organizations newsletter. The purpose of recruitment is to attract as many candidates as possible, to enable the organization pick the most talented and motivated workers. The aspect of recruitment should be taken serious by human resource managers as the employees have to be suitable for the job so that their contribution can earn the organization long-term security in a framework of maximized profit. A good way of managing human resources involves succession planning, making sure that the company never runs out of right persons for any position, should any position fall vacant. In addition, through a systematic training and development, a talented-lowly paid worker can reach a senior management level. Training of employees is a crucial task in an organization, to ensure that the workers can do their job effectively and efficiently. The employees salary and compensation schemes should be competitive in the industry to keep them motivated. In addition, the department provides advice to employees seeking information about insurance and other schemes. In an organization, the performance system appropriately reviews and rewards the employees accordingly. Human resource managers have to know how to reward the different staffs holding different position. Every organization has rules and regulations; it is the role of the human resource managers to ensure that employee knows when he goes wrong, and to punish him accordingly. The punishment administered may involve verbal warning, written warning, demotion, and dismissal. However, aggrieved cases should be handled in this department. Matters involving employees can also be addressed by the labor union. An organization should serve as a bridge between the union and its employees, and work toward resolving such conflicts to minimize strained labor relationship. The human resource team has to conduct the manpower planning for the future. If the company is suffering from excess manpower, the human resource department has to work with severance package, and conduct retrenchment exercise. Managing human resources is part of business management. It involves resources planning, strategic planning, and dealing with human emotion. Whilst there may be other roles included with the human resource management package, those outlined above are considered to include the most important aspects that serves the employees for the best outcome in the company.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Struggles of Ireland: The Fenian Movement :: Essays Papers
The Struggles of Ireland: The Fenian Movement In a time of subordination, there were many a people who felt they had to fight back against the strings of inequality and unfairness. The united people would organize and spread their ideologies to the people so they would join in their beliefs. A group similar to this appeared in 1858 in Ireland with the gathering of the Fenians. The Fenian Movement was a secret society of revolutionaries that wished to gain Irelandââ¬â¢s independence by force (ââ¬Å"Fenian Movementâ⬠). This revolt was led by the former leaders of the Young Ireland Uprising, John Oââ¬â¢Mahony and James Stephens. Oââ¬â¢Mahony and Stephens had left Ireland because they were persecuted by the British authorities for their seditious ideals. After fleeing to Paris together, they later separated and took different journeys. John Oââ¬â¢Mahony arrived to America in the year 1853, searching for civilians who would band with him and his standards for another insurrection. At the same time, James Ste phens in 1856 came back to Ireland moving from location to location because of the situations that were happening during that time. In March of 1858 he formed a secret society in Dublin. This society was known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Simultaneously, in America, John Oââ¬â¢Mahony formed a secret society that was called the Fenian Brotherhood. The name of this group came from the famous Irish hero, Finn Mc Cumhail (Fin Mc Cool). One of the goals that these groups had in mind was to obtain independence from the British government. There were many reasons for the formation of this troupe. Ranging from the British oppression to the Famine, from emigration and the Young Ireland Uprising to the Civil War, these events were fundamental in the formation of said revolutionaries. All these events cemented a feeling of nationality in the Irish peopleââ¬â¢s hearts that allowed them to join such an organization. With the purpose to ââ¬Å"defend the Irish Republic, now virtually establishedâ⬠(qtd. in Gwynn 269) the Fenians strived to do what others had tried before them. One of the reasons for the Fenian Movement was the emigration that seemed to sweep the citizens. ââ¬Å"The peasantry believed that their poverty and the need to emigrate was caused by misgovernment.â⬠(Broin 14) They moved to South America, Canada and Australia, but they mostly immigrated to the United States.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Important Discoveries in Chemistry Since the dawn of man, chemistry has been the tool used to fulfill our search for knowledge. A multitude of discoveries have changed the way use chemistry. These discoveries are being made every day and they change the way we see the universe. The following is a sample of important discoveries in chemistry. 1. Discovery of the Atom The idea that atoms make up matter has been around for centuries. However, it has only played a role in chemistry for the past 200 years, and the idea hasnââ¬â¢t taken off until the last 100 years. Ancient Greek philosopher, Demokritos, was one of the first to propose the idea that matter is made up of smaller units. He called these units, ââ¬Å"atomsâ⬠. The word atom means unable to be divided. Demokritos also thought that the atoms moved through an infinite ââ¬Å"emptyâ⬠. Aristotle, however, believed the world contained continuous substances; his belief would be dominant for the time period. The atom would not be scientifically theorized until 1808 by John Dalton. His atomic theory states: All matter contains indivisible and indestructible particles called atoms. The atoms of any one element have the same mass and properties. Compounds are the result of the combination of different atoms. The rearrangement of atoms results in a chemical reaction. Today, nothing in chemistry would be the same without the idea of the atom. Not only is it the basic building block of all matter, but it is also the basic building block of almost all of our knowledge in chemistry. 2. Discovery of the Electron The electron was discovered by J.J. Thompson, a physics professor at Cambridge University. The discovery would be the result of Thompsonââ¬â¢s experiments with cathode tubes used in electric and ... ...ial agent was at its greatest. The U.S. pushed industry to produce the penicillin mold. Towards the end of World War II, 650 billion units of penicillin were produced every month. 7. Discovery of Water in Martian Soil A more recent discovery might set the path to discovering life on another planet. Data collected by NASAââ¬â¢s Curiosity rover shows that Martian soil holds about 2% water. The roverââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Sample Analysis at Marsâ⬠instrument heated a soil sample to 835 degrees Celsius. The resulting gases were oxygen, chlorine, and surprisingly, water vapor. Laurie Leshin of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute says that a cubic foot of the soil would yield a couple pints of water. From what we know so far, this water is drinkable. However, no one has worked out how to use the soil as a resource for water. One idea is to use a condenser to cool the water vapor into a liquid.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Main place of work Essay
Three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business are: 1. Health and safety at Work Act 2. National Minimum Wage Act 1998 3. Pension 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. Three key points of legislation that affect employees are: 1. Data Protection Act 1998 2. The Equality Act 2010 3. The Working Time Regulations 3. Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least two internal and two external sources of information. Internal sources of information: 1. Terms of employment contract 2. Organisation policies and procedures 3. Informed college 4. Line managers 5. Trade union representatives External sources of information: 1. Citizen Advice Bureau 2. ACAS (Conciliation and Arbitration Service) 3. Government agencies 4. Libraries 5. Legal professionals 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. Representative bodies are organisations that represent the interest and rights of the employees. They can offer support to employees by negotiating pay and terms of employment and providing information, consultation and legal services. They also can help employees with pensions and collective redundancy issues. 5. Briefly describe employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. The employer has the responsibility to develop and apply policies and procedures reflecting equality and diversity latest legislation, make sure that the line managers promote fair treatment and train the employees in equality and diversity topics. The employees responsibilities are to understand and respect the policies and procedures of the organisation regarding equality and diversity and respect others regardless of disabilities , ethnicity, gender etc.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Of Mice and Men Curley’s Wife
mice When John Steinbeck wrote of mice and men, he showed there was a lot of inequality during the 1930ââ¬â¢s. This essay shall attempt to portray the inequality of women in Steinbeckââ¬â¢s novel. George the main character of the story, first sets his eyes on Curleyââ¬â¢s wife, his initial impression of her is that he has ââ¬Å"never seen no piece of jail bait worse than herâ⬠(Steinbeck 2006 p36). In the novel Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is a beautiful woman who constantly shows her beauty to the men on the ranch. She dresses inappropriately for a woman married to the bossââ¬â¢s son. She had full, roughed lips and wide spaced eyes, her fingernails are red and her hair hangs in little rolled clusters, like sausagesâ⬠. (p34 Steinbeck 2006). Curleyââ¬â¢s wife always wanders around the ranch in search for someone to talk to. However, the ranch workers stay wary of her as they believe she will only give them trouble. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is isolated, self absorbed and a dreamer. Curley doesnââ¬â¢t seem to have any respect for his wife at all, Candy tells George (Steinbeck p30) why Curley wears only one glove on his hand which is soaked in Vaseline so it is kept soft for his wife and George finds this disgusting. This is degrading to her as she is just there for his pleasure. She is just a wife who is a trophy to show off hence the saying ââ¬Ëtrophy wifeââ¬â¢. Dreams are heavily involved in this book. Like many characters in the book, Curleyââ¬â¢s wife also has a dream. She dreams of being a film star. She appears to be trying to get the men into trouble but her dreams and frustrations show that she is lonely like the other people on the ranch. She hated her upbringing, so when a guy told her she had the potential to be a movie star and he would be in touch, finally she found a way out. However, being a young naive girl like she was, she fell for his story and she never heard or even saw the guy again. Instead of Hollywood and all its glam, she ended up marrying young and getting trapped on the ranch. Being the only woman there and no one to talk to makes you emphasise with her and soften towards her and feel her loneliness. Curley is not interested in her dream and there is only one person she tells her dream to and that is Lennie. I think she tells ennie because she knows he doesnââ¬â¢t comprehend whatââ¬â¢s going on and it goes through one ear and out the other but at least sheââ¬â¢s telling somebody her dream even if they donââ¬â¢t quite understand but ironically the one person she tells is the same person who takes it away for good. John Steinbeck makes very good use of dreams throughout the novel. Each character is shown to have greater depth than we might have expected and we are able to see how lonely and disappointed their lives are through the quite humble ambitions that they have. The men seem to want security in their lives whereas Curleyââ¬â¢s wife wants to escape from the boredom and lonesomeness that surrounds her and get rid of the title ââ¬ËCurleyââ¬â¢s wifeââ¬â¢. Although Curley's wife may be considered static, she does not change throughout the novel Curley's wife is essential to the plot. Therefore, she is not simply ââ¬Å"unnamedâ⬠because she is unimportant. Curley's wife is unnamed for several reasons. She is first and for most not worthy of a name. A name implies that a relationship can exist. Curley's wife is not capable of a relationship; she is not worthy. With a name also comes identification and familiarity. If we were to feel any sort of empathy for Curley's wife, we may not understand or appreciate Lennie's role in her death. We may actually care that she is dead. There is also the historical role of women in society. As a writer of social issues, Steinbeck wants the reader to recognize the inferior role of women in the world. The lack of name demotes Curley's wife to insignificant status. She is not as important as the men in the story. Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is very flirtatious. In fact she is so flirtatious that the farmers refer to her as ââ¬Ëhaving the eyeââ¬â¢. The men see her in the ranch as the cause of many problems like her husbandââ¬â¢s short heated attitude and the fear that they will be sacked. But as the story is about to reach its climax, she begins to add more complexity to her own character by letting Lennie in on her dreams, what she is all about. Here she reveals that she doesnââ¬â¢t have the eye at all but she is just lonely. She says that she dislikes Curley because he is always annoyed and so she comes around the farm to get away and find someone that she can talk to. In this conversation with Lennie she tells him the dream that she had for herself. She dreamed of becoming a famous actress and she would have wanted to live in Hollywood. But just like many of the other characters her dream went unrealised. So instead of being an actress living a glamorous life in Hollywood, she is stuck living in a ranch with a husband that she really doesnââ¬â¢t like, living in a ranch full of loneliness not havin
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Arthur Black
Arthur Black is a very opinionated man. In his essays about Canada, he has many short pieces about the differences between Canadians and Americans. He states how there is never anything bad said about Canada, and that Canada could even be considered a ââ¬Å"wallflowerâ⬠. In his essay Canadian Passion Not Flagging, Black talks about how the Americans wave their flag and Canadians do not. Americans have their flag everywhere; hanging inside malls, and even at the gas stations. In his essay Canada: Too Polite to Live, it says how the American Declaration of Independence demands life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Canadians have settled for peace, order, and good government. Another difference between Americans and Canadians according to Arthur Black is that the Americans know much more about their countries history than Canadians know about theirs. Toronto is definitely not one of Arthur Blackââ¬â¢s favourite places to be. He explains in the essay Toronto: Not Quite Rea dy for Prime Time, Black says how ââ¬Å"it doesnââ¬â¢t have the easy beauty of Vancouver, or the joire de vivre of Montreal. It lacks the architectural grace of Ottawa and the mountainscape backdrop of Calgaryâ⬠.Black says it feels fast, brittle, cold, and arrogant, and that it is all about money. He says how Torontonians do not look like they are having a good time, and at sporting events the fans are much quieter than other cities in Canada. Arthur Black also says how Toronto people do not really care about the meaning of things; they just want it to be productive. Black says how they think ââ¬ËThe Rockââ¬â¢ (massive slab of Muskoka granite) is a waste of space in the downtown park. It is pointless and they would rather have something there that would make money.Toronto would not be the place Arthur would choose to live in for the rest of his life. Arthur Black would define Canada as a lot of things. He says how Canadians donââ¬â¢t know their own national anthem, and in the article O Cana-a-do (re, mi) Arthur talks about how if a Canadian is accused of being an American, they will fight until it is proven otherwise. Also, to be Canadian, it is almost a must to have an interest in hockey. Hockey is the one sport Canada can safely say they are the best at. People from Canada know a different level of cold than places like the USA.In the article A Samaritan with Jumper Cables, Black says how ââ¬Å"this aint a country; this is winter. â⬠Also in that article, he tells some stories about how polite and kind people from Canada are and how if the car spun off the road or ran out of gas, Canadians would be there to help right away. Arthur Blackââ¬â¢s main classification of Canada is polite, and that is most likely the rest of the worldââ¬â¢s opinion also. Your Canada Winter in Canada is much different than winter in other countries. For one, it is much longer.Winter lasts about six to eight months, and it can be unbearably cold. The day s are significantly shorter than summer, which makes it that much harder to wake up for the day at school or at work. Having to shovel the driveway isnââ¬â¢t Canadians favorite pastime at seven in the morning when they are going to be late for work. Also what needs to be taken into account is making sure the car is plugged in during the night. When that is forgotten in the cold days of winter, it is pretty hard to get anywhere because no car would start if it was sitting outside.The season of winter in Canada isnââ¬â¢t all bad though, it is very pretty at times. Waking up and looking out the window to a fresh blanket of snow is one of the greatest sights for a Canadian. Also, sitting by the fire place with it white outside, drinking a warm cup of cocoa is the best on a snowy day. Winter for Canadians also means hockey. Whether it is hockey in a rink or shinny on a frozen pond, Canadians love their hockey. For many Canadians, being active in winter is an important part of enjoy ing life.There are many other outdoor winter activities, including skiing, ice fishing, walking, skating and tobogganing, amongst others. Winter also means Christmas. Christmas is the longest break for students in school, so it is a much anticipated holiday. It seems like everyone is in a much better mood when Christmas is coming, it might be because they get to see family and they get time to put up their feet and relax. Sometimes people from other countries will ask ââ¬Å"how do you tell people apart when they bundle themselves with a winter jacketâ⬠, but the truth is, thatââ¬â¢s exactly how to tell people apart.People around the city get to know what jacket others have, and that becomes their identity. It sure saves a lot of time picking out an outfit to wear for the day when a winter jacket ends up covering it up anyways. The cold winter days are also a great time to catch up on the missed TV shows. In the summer, there is always something to do because the days are bri ght so long. In winter, it gets dark at around six, which leaves plenty of time to catch up on favorite TV seasons. Canadians are winter experts and know how to make it the best it can possibly be.
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Business Ethics - Essay Example In fact, an individual can not achieve the purpose and goals of management without taking care of the daily life needs and necessities of the subordinates. In light of the importance of the role of a manager in an organizational context as discussed above, I would allow the assembly line worker to leave early with his/her childââ¬â¢s teacher, though I fully understand that it is my responsibility to be impartial to the maximum extent and equally take care of the needs of his/her coworkers as well. Despite that, it is often not possible for manager to address the needs of all of the subordinates at any one specific time. There are two types of needs that a manager needs to take care of simultaneously. These two needs are the subordinatesââ¬â¢ needs and the business needs. Subordinatesââ¬â¢ individualistic needs revolve around their personal lives and have often no concern with the business. On the other hand, business needs are directed at the achievement of organizational go als and are often unconcerned with the individualistic needs of employees.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Federal financial aid in relation to rising tuition costs Essay
Federal financial aid in relation to rising tuition costs - Essay Example It never seems that governmental intervention is desired in most businesses and likely colleges and universities are no different. Those who might argue against the partial cost reimbursement program might suggest that this is a form of price control (Hauptman, 1998) which would give governmental regulators considerable authority over university and college business. However, the evidence does not suggest that partial reimbursement of tuition costs is price control rather it is designed to lessen the burdens on tuition-paying students, especially those with lower-level income brackets. Additional arguments related to price control might suggest that this would be a tactic to create a form of competitiveness between rival universities and colleges, at a time when consumer incomes are down, to give some universities with a higher financial portfolio an edge over less-affluent or cash-rich universities. From a microeconomic perspective, the activities of the college or university related to reimbursement programs might ensure a higher volume of interested students than those universities which do not provide partial cost reimbursements. This would not be a value to the student if they were denied partial reimbursements to assist with day-to-day needs such as clothing and in-house meals. Partial cost reimbursement would also provide students with the necessary tools to succeed. Morris and Maisto (2005) offer a unique theory of human needs proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in which the needs of students start out at the most basic, such as food and water (physiological) and progress through a series of stages until they reach self-actualization, or the pinnacle of their human capacity. Under this model, it is theorized that no individual can progress through self-development until basic fundamental needs are met. The partial cost reimbursement program, as modeled by Maslowââ¬â¢s theory, would provide students with a wide variety of physiological
Sunday, October 6, 2019
International Justice Cooperation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
International Justice Cooperation - Essay Example Human beings at birth are necessarily good and his identity is defined entirely by events that occur thereafter as popularly adhered by the Tabula Rasa Theory. Contrary to this, man is considered neither good nor bad at birth but the forces acting for and against him molds him into what he is to become. The greater need for self-gratification has blanketed the goodness and differing individual personalities has created an offensive attitude to the civilized society. On the incidence of crime, low self-control may predispose criminal acts such as forcible rape, terrorism, stealing among others. Violent crimes however do not necessarily account for the possibility of low self-control acting alone on the individual. A variety of factors is believed to enhance the incidence of the violence in mankind that tends specifically recruit others to form a stronger criminal group. Recognizing the increasing scope, intensity and sophistication of crimes brought about by globalization as a mattress for drug operations, trafficking of arms and humans and laundering, has made the UN acknowledge the true nature of crime prevention. Efficient criminal justice systems have set standards and protocols that require cooperation to counter international syndicates. It is not surprising that at times even our own police force is pressured to deal with crimes beyond their territories and jurisdiction. In the process they have tried to wither the stringent rules other territories endeavor in order to protect that safety of their citizens albeit accused of crimes. Sometimes, even our justice system turns a blind eye and a deaf ear towards this common problem besieging the society. All forces should work hand in hand down to the lowest ranks of the state police to the highest echelons of the countries justice system in order to curb the massive criminal forces acting against positive development and in particular to the populace. Weakness in our justice systems serves to only strengthen the urge to continue the spate of crimes knowing that the legal system inhibits cooperation between judicial authorities that exploit criminality to their advantage to the detriment of the society. Alternative approaches to reform and behavioral modification should give rise to a discussion on a multi-disciplinary approach and theories to prevent the recurring incidence of criminal deviation before it has a chance to spread itself like a malady that afflicts everyone Akers (1991)1. The Center for International Crime Prevention2 is the United Nation's arm for crime prevention, justice and reform. They work with the member states to strengthen laws and promote criminal justice systems to combat the threats of organised crimes such as terrorism, corruption, drugs, human trafficking and so on. Based on the rule of law, effective justice systems ensure the respect for human rights in the national and international levels. The Criminal Justice Reform Unit assists States in developing strategies to reform all the aspects of their criminal justice systems, with particular emphasis on vulnerable groups3. It is understood that strategic information-sharing, institutional capacity-building and mutual support in law enforcement, training and extradition measures are necessary for countries to break up the thriving global empire of organized
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Napoleon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Napoleon - Essay Example For example, in military affairs, he managed military inventions, which were necessary for the French revolution. This included the use of mass conscription enabling the use of block tactics to enhance attacks in columns. This also helped in the elimination of supply lines enabling the French armies to be mobile (Lyons, 25). History depicts that, before the reign of napoleon, France had undergone revolutionary turmoil for over a decade. Causing instability in the government and increasing incidents of corruption. It is evident that during this period church policies were rare because they triggered inflation. The citizens of France were tired of the situation, and they desired for a stable government that would ensure the stability of their lives. These changes were brought about by napoleons reign because it is his military innovations that helped the French in to secure their government. The success of the military forces established by napoleon helped him to consolidate and hold o n to power. This led to his declaration as the French emperor in the year 1804 (Lyons, 33). Politically it is evident that Napoleon was an active administrator. History depicts that the internal reforms that were put in place by Napoleon helped France in consolidating some achievements during the French revolution, enhancing the suppression of others. ... The political impact during his reign in France is also depicted from his introduction of equality as one of the essential factors in politics. This is because he thought that by introducing the concept, he would have stayed in his position with little threat. This changed the political situation in France because all men were considered equal under his power. Some of his main accomplishments in ensuring equality in the political system are evident from the establishment of Napoleonic civil codes. This made all the men equal, however; the law despised the women because the men maintained their legal powers over the women. This had an impact on the political structure of France because the hopes that the women had towards the revolution as an improvement of their legal positions were frustrated by Napoleon (Lyons, 55). Napoleon is also seen to have made a contribution to the political structure of the French government through his introduction of nationalism. History depicts that he i s one of the French leaders, who believed in nationalism as a tool that would help him obtain the loyalty of the French people during his reign. It is evident that it is this spirit of nationalism that enhanced the inspiration of the armies of the French government enabling the government to attain a remarkable series of victories. These were of enormous benefit to him as he obtained a chance to rise to power. However, this interfered with the political structure of France as it was thought to be a trick that was used, by the leader, to establish a personality cult making the French people identify him with France. This meant that by the citizens being loyal to their country France they were also being loyal to him. It is evident that
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